Briarwood PTA-Sponsored Events & Programs 


Printable 2024-2025 PTA Events Calendar (pdf) 



  Popsicle Pop-In



August 8 4:00-5:30pm


Briarwood incoming students and their families/guardians


Pop into Briarwood before school starts! Students can meet their new teachers, catch up with friends, and have a cold treat! 4:00-4:45pm for last names A-L, 4:45-5:30pm for last names M-Z.

 Interested in helping? Contact...

       Kara Griswold

       Jodie Hayes




  Boohoo Coffee



August 15, 2023, 8:10am


Kindergarten Parents/Guardians


Enjoy coffee and a light breakfast with the other parents on your Kindergartners' first day of elementary school.




 Spirit Wear



Fall & Winter 2023


All Briarwood students


Briarwood shirts, sweatshirts and more will be offered for purchase twice during the year – in August and again around the holidays.  Learn more about how to buy spirit wear during our back to school events, communications. A portion of sales benefits Briarwood PTA.

 Interested in helping? Contact...

      Leslie Hernandez,

      Summer Symonds,




 Bulldog Jog



September 28, 2024; starting at approx. 8:00am


Briarwood students, families/guardians, friends, family, neighbors


Bulldog Jog is a fun, free-to-attend fun run for the entire Briarwood community.  The 1-mile jog/walk will be followed by a 3K jog/walk,  Participants will run/walk through the beautiful surrounding neighborhoods of Briarwood. The event will start & finish at Briarwood Elementary School.

 NOTE: No pets, bikes or scooters.


 Interested in helping? Contact...

       Jace McClasky,




 Grade Level Parties



Fall 2024 (held every other year)


Briarwood parents/guardians


This is a fun adult-only evening for all of the parents/guardians in each grade to get to know each other – and to raise $ for PTA. While there is no cost to attend, donations are suggested and encouraged. (Suggested donation amount is what you would spend on a night out on the town.)




 Skating Parties



Sept. 11th 6-8pm, Nov. 7th 4-6pm, Feb. 4th, 6-8pm, Apr. 9th 6-8pm


All Briarwood students, parents/guardians (siblings welcome)


Skate with friends at Skate City during Briarwood’s very own skating parties, held in the afternoon/early evening four times during the school year. Admission is approximately $5, including skate rental. Students must be accompanied by an adult throughout the event. No drop-offs. 


 Interested in helping? Contact...

       Aubree Keck,




 Dining Partners



Once a month, August-April




Throughout the school year, Briarwood PTA partners with various nearby and area restaurants that donate a percentage of their day’s sales to Briarwood PTA. Current/past dining partners include Culver’s, Johnny’s in the Village, Jalapeno’s Brookside, Chipotle and more!


 Interested in helping? Contact...

      Aubree Keck,







November 2024


All Briarwood students


Read-A-Thon is an annual fundraising effort benefiting PTA programs and activities.  Students have the option of soliciting donations from family, friends and neighbors to support Briarwood Bulldogs’ daily dedicated reading time. In addition to fun themes each day (i.e. PJ Day), special guests read stories live on Briarwood’s Facebook page, too. 


 Interested in helping? Contact...

       Halley French,

       Jessica Butler,




 A Day at Briarwood with Veterans



November 11, 2024


Invited Veterans of Briarwood students


On Veteran’s Day, Briarwood welcomes veterans for a meaningful morning event to honor those who’ve served in the military. Activities include an outdoor assembly, presentations and classroom tours. 


 Interested in helping? Contact...

       Vanessa Watkins,

       Patti Greenbaum,




 Chat & Chew



January - March 2025


Briarwood Students, Grades 2-6


Chat & Chew is an optional, free-to-participate book club for grades 2-6. This 6-week program runs early February-late March. Participating students will read three-four grade-appropriate books at home (or during class time reading) over the course of the program. (Books are provided by PTA.) They will meet over lunchtime once a week for small groups discussions about the book facilitated by adult volunteers.


 Interested in helping? Contact...

       Sarah Bartel,

       Allie Vance,



 Trivia Night



February 2025


Briarwood parents/guardians


Briarwood’s Trivia Night is a fun, adult-only evening of trivia, prizes and fun. Cost to attend is $40 per person.


 Interested in helping? Contact...

       Suzanne Gunning,

       Lindsay Brown,

       Alex Swab,




 Bike Rodeo



Late Spring 2025


2nd Grade Students


Officer Poindexter and Mr. Lash teach 2nd grade students the rules of the road and bike safety during this school-day event. Participating students bring their bikes and helmet the morning-of the event and demonstrate and hone their riding skills.


 Interested in helping? Contact...

       David Smith,

       Cindy Ormsby,

       Lisa Farrar,




 Used Book Fair



April 2025


All Briarwood Students


Students will have the chance to browse tons of used books – donated by our Briarwood community – during the school day as well as after school. All books will be priced between $0.25 and $2.00.  Event organizers will conduct a book drive in the spring to stock the shelves.  All proceeds go toward Briarwood PTA to fund various events and activities.


 Interested in helping? Contact...

       Courtney Higgins,

       Joy Moeller,

       Christin Howard,




 Progressive Dinner



April 16, 2025 (held every other year)


Briarwood parents/guardians


This bi-annual fundraising event is a long-time Briarwood tradition, and a favorite evening among many. To kick off the evening, participants convene at one of two designated hosts’ homes for Appetizers. At the Appetizer Houses, everyone will receive their Dinner House assignments. (Dinner assignments are assigned randomly by event organizers.) Dinner hosts provide dinner and drinks for about 4-6 couples. After dinner, time to head to the Dessert House for sweet treats and more fun. Cost to participate is approximately $50 per person.  All proceeds support Briarwood PTA programs and activities.







May 9, 2025


All Briarwood students, families/guardians (siblings welcome)


Briarwood’s all-school Carnival is open to all students and their families/caretakers. Come enjoy games, bounce houses, photo booth, cake walk, food and more!  Admission is free.


 Interested in helping? Contact...

       Jeremy & Brandi Roth,

       Matt & Kelly Kelley, 

       Patrick & Megan Craven,



PTA Events in the 2025-2026 School Year

Watch for details on how to get involved!





March 2, 2024 (held every other year)


Briarwood parents/guardians/caregivers


Briarwood’s bi-annual auction raises money to fund two years of PTA-sponsored programming and activities.


 Interested in helping? Contact...

       Craig Dawson,

       Allison Stedman,